Friday, 19 March 2010

Conclusion Based on Results.

Personally, I found that creating a questionaire for my peers to respond to was a great help and gave me a better and clearer understanding of what I should include, what not to include, what genre to use etc.

The genre that I have decided to focus on is 'Pop Rock.' As this is a genre that I do not know too well I will have to carry out detailed research about this. Not only do I see this as a creative chance to learn, but by researching about areas of music that I am not well educated in I believe that I will find this beneficial. I believe that the graphology of my magazine will be very important in expressing my chosen genre, therefore every element that I choose to include needs to relate back to this genre; from costume to captions.  

Target Audience

I believe to get the most out of my magazine, it is best to aim it at both male and females, this way more magazines will be produced and sold, upping it's popularity. I want to aim my magazine around the age group of 15-20 years olds as I feel that they are the ones that are interested in the music industry, I also feel that as I am in this age group then I will be able to relate to them therefore creating a better, more appealing magaine all round.

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